Transport to Ireland, in and around Ireland by air, train, bus & ferry, including ferries within Ireland and Northern Ireland. Travelers to Ireland should research in advance to see what type of transportation is best for their circumstances.
Airlines with direct service from North America to Ireland:
Airlines with direct service from London to Ireland *
Aer Lingus: 800-IRISH AIR British Airways: 800-247-9297
British Midland: 800-788-0555 Ryanair: US phone not available
* Note: There are other European gateway cities that offer direct and/or indirect service to Ireland. Check with the airline or contact your travel agent for details.
About Air Fares
Air fares to Ireland are lower during the off-season (November through March). Many times you can save money by connecting at another European gateway. Consider flying into London and connecting to Ireland. The choice sometimes comes down to saving money by making connections, or choosing a non-stop flight for the convenience.
Generally 21 day advance purchase tickets give you better rates than those bought at the last minute. Keep an eye on the airline web sites regularly. When you see a good airfare it is usually wise to get it before it is gone. Sign up for airline newsletters to get info about special sales.
Ferries to Ireland
There are ferries from England, Wales, Scotland and Continental Europe to Ireland. The ferries take autos as well as foot passengers. How long it takes will depend entirely on the ports you choose, the route you take and the type of ferry. Look at the following sites and check their schedules: